Unix Interview Questions

To list only files and avoid all directories
The following command will only list files and will exclude directories, special files, pipes, symbolic links etc:

$ find . -type f -name '*.pl'

find / -type f -name hosts  2>/dev/null

Search all directories

Search file called httpd.conf in all directories:

$ find / -type f -name httpd.conf

Execute command on all files

Run ls -l command on all *.c files to get extended information :

$ find . -name "*.c" -type f -exec ls -l {} \;

~ $ echo AMAZON | fold -w 1

UNIX / Linux pipes and grep command

grep command often used with shell pipes. In this example, show the name of the hard disk devices:

# dmesg | egrep '(s|h)d[a-z]'

Display cpu model name:
# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i 'Model'

However, above command can be also used as follows without shell pipe:

# grep -i 'Model' /proc/cpuinfo

Sample outputs:
model                            : 30
model name               : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU       Q 820  @ 1.73GHz
model                            : 30
model name               : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU       Q 820  @ 1.73GHz

Use grep to search words only

When you search for boo, grep will match fooboo, boo123, barfoo35 and more. You can force the grep command to select only those lines containing matches that form whole words i.e. match only boo word:

$ grep -w "boo" file

Use grep to search 2 different words

Use the egrep command as follows:
$ egrep -w 'word1|word2' /path/to/file

Count line when words has been matched

The grep can report the number of times that the pattern has been matched for each file using -c (count) option:
$ grep -c 'word' /path/to/file

Pass the
 -n option to precede each line of output with the number of the line in the text file from which it was obtained:
$ grep -n 'root' /etc/passwd

Sample outputs:
Write a regular expression for a phone number in unix?

find missing number in 1 to 1000 random digits. ?

[/u03/appl/farbat1]$ bannersuresh

  ####   #    #  #####   ######   ####   #    #
 #       #    #  #    #  #       #       #    #
  ####   #    #  #    #  #####    ####   ######
      #  #    #  #####   #            #  #    #
 #    #  #    #  #   #   #       #    #  #    #
  ####    ####   #    #  ######   ####   #    #

[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ echo "This is a file." > file1.txt
[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ link file1.txt file2.txt
[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ ls -alrt
total 10
drwxr-xr-x  23 farbat1  arboradm    3072 Sep 28 12:06 ..
-rw-rw-r--   2 farbat1  arboradm      16 Sep 28 12:06 file2.txt
-rw-rw-r--   2 farbat1  arboradm      16 Sep 28 12:06 file1.txt
drwxrwxr-x   2 farbat1  arboradm      96 Sep 28 12:06 .
[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ more file2.txt
This is a file.
[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ echo "It points to data on the disk." >> file1.txt
[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ more file2.txt
This is a file.
It points to data on the disk.
[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ more file1.txt.txt
file1.txt.txt: No such file or directory
[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ more file1.txt
This is a file.
It points to data on the disk.

About Symbolic Links

Symbolic links, sometimes called "soft" links, are different than "hard" links. Instead of linking to the data of a file, they link to another link. So in the example above, file2.txtpoints to the link file1.txt, which in turn points to the data of the file.
This has several potential benefits. For one thing, symbolic links (also called "symlinks" for short) can link to directories. Also, symbolic links can cross file system boundaries, so a symbolic link to data on one drive or partition can exist on another drive or partition.
You should also be aware that, unlike hard links, removing the file (or directory) that a symlink points to will break the link. So if we create file1.txt:
echo "This is a file." > file1.txt
...and create a symbolic link to it:
ln -s file1.txt file2.txt
...we can cat either one of these to see the contents:
cat file1.txt
This is a file.
cat file2.txt
This is a file.
...but if we remove file1.txt:
rm file1.txt
...we can no longer access the data it contained with our symlink:
cat file2.txt
cat: file2.txt: No such file or directory
[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ ls -alrt
total 10
drwxr-xr-x  23 farbat1  arboradm    3072 Sep 28 12:06 ..
drwxrwxr-x   2 farbat1  arboradm      96 Sep 28 12:06 .
-rw-rw-r--   2 farbat1  arboradm      47 Sep 28 12:07 file2.txt
-rw-rw-r--   2 farbat1  arboradm      47 Sep 28 12:07 file1.txt
[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ unlink file2.txt
[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ ls -alrt
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  23 farbat1  arboradm    3072 Sep 28 12:06 ..
-rw-rw-r--   1 farbat1  arboradm      47 Sep 28 12:07 file1.txt
drwxrwxr-x   2 farbat1  arboradm      96 Sep 28 12:13 .

Tr command Examples:

1. Convert lower case letters to upper case 

The following tr command translates the lower case letters to capital letters in the give string: 

>echo "linux dedicated server" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"
>echo "linux dedicated server" | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"

2. Transform upper case letters to lower case. 

Similar to the above example, you can translate the uppercase letters to small letters. 

> echo "UNIX DEDICATED SERVER" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"
unix dedicated server
> echo "UNIX DEDICATED SERVER" | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"
unix dedicated server

3. Replace non-matching characters. 

The -c option is used to replace the non-matching characters with another set of characters. 

> echo "unix" | tr -c "u" "a"

In the above example, except the character "c" other characters are replaced with "a" 

4. Delete non-printable characters 

The -d option can be used to delete characters. The following example deletes all the non-printable characters from a file. 

>tr -cd "[:print:]" < filename
5. Squeezing characters 

You can squeeze more than one occurrence of continuous characters with single occurrence. The following example squeezes two or more successive blank spaces into a single space. 

>echo "linux    server" | tr -s " "
linux server

Here you can replace the space character with any other character by specifying in set2. 

> "linux    server" | tr -s " " ","

6. Delete characters 

The following example removes the word linux from the string. 

> echo "linuxserver" | tr -d "linux"

tee examples

ls -1 *.txt | wc -l | tee count.txt
In the above example, the ls command lists all files in the current directory that have the filename extension .txt, one file per line; this output is piped to wc, which counts the lines and outputs the number; this output is piped to tee, which writes the output to the terminal, and writes the same information to the file count.txt. If count.txt already exists, it is overwritten.

cat list.txt
nl list.txt
     1             apples
     2             oranges
     3             potatoes
     4             lemons
     5             garlic
In the above example, we use the cat command to display the contents of list.txt. Then we use nl to number each line and display the result to standard output.

pg examples

pg myfile.txt
Displays the first screenful of the contents of text file myfile.txt, and a prompt (":"). Pressing the RETURN key displays the next page, or any of the command listed above may be entered to otherwise navigate the file.

Paste Command Examples:

Create the following three files in your unix or linux servers to practice to practice the examples:

>cat file1

>cat file2
Dedicated server
Virtual server

>cat file3
Operating system

1. Merging files in parallel

By default, the paste command merges the files in parallel. The paste command writes corresponding lines from the files as a tab delimited on the terminal.

> paste file1 file2
Unix    Dedicated server
Linux   Virtual server

> paste file2 file1
Dedicated server  Unix
Virtual server    Linux

2. Specifying the delimiter

Paste command uses the tab delimiter by default for merging the files. You can change the delimiter to any other character by using the -d option.

>paste -d"|" file1 file2
Unix|Dedicated server
Linux|Virtual server

In the above example, pipe delimiter is specified

3. Merging files in sequentially.

You can merge the files in sequentially using the -s option. The paste command reads each file in sequentially. It reads all the lines from a single file and merges all these lines into a single line.

>paste -s file1 file2
Unix    Linux   Windows
Dedicated server        Virtual server

The following example shows how to specify a delimiter for sequential merging of files:

> paste -s -d"," file1 file2
Dedicated server,Virtual server

4. Specifying multiple delimiters.

Multiple delimiters come in handy when you want to merge more than two files with different delimiters. For example I want to merge file1, file2 with pipe delimiter and file2, file3 with comma delimiter. In this case multiple delimiters will be helpful.

>paste -d"|," file1 file2 file3
Windows|,Operating system

5. Combining N consecutive lines

The paste command can also be used to merge N consecutive lines from a file into a single line. The following example merges 2 consecutive lines into a single line

>cat file1 | paste - -
Unix    Linux


$ cat test.txt
cat command for file oriented operations.
cp command for copy files or directories.
ls command to list out files and directories with its attributes.

1. Select Column of Characters

To extract only a desired column from a file use -c option. The following example displays 2nd character from each line of a file test.txt
$ cut -c2 test.txt
As seen above, the characters a, p, s are the second character from each line of the test.txt file.

2. Select Column of Characters using Range

Range of characters can also be extracted from a file by specifying start and end position delimited with -. The following example extracts first 3 characters of each line from a file called test.txt
$ cut -c1-3 test.txt

3. Select Column of Characters using either Start or End Position

Either start position or end position can be passed to cut command with -c option.
The following specifies only the start position before the ‘-‘. This example extracts from 3rd character to end of each line from test.txt file.
$ cut -c3- test.txt
t command for file oriented operations.
command for copy files or directories.
command to list out files and directories with its attributes.
The following specifies only the end position after the ‘-‘. This example extracts 8 characters from the beginning of each line from test.txt file.
$ cut -c-8 test.txt
cp comma
ls comma
The entire line would get printed when you don’t specify a number before or after the ‘-‘ as shown below.
$ cut -c- test.txt
cat command for file oriented operations.
cp command for copy files or directories.
ls command to list out files and directories with its attributes.

4. Select a Specific Field from a File

Instead of selecting x number of characters, if you like to extract a whole field, you can combine option -f and -d. The option -f specifies which field you want to extract, and the option -d specifies what is the field delimiter that is used in the input file.
The following example displays only first field of each lines from /etc/passwd file using the field delimiter : (colon). In this case, the 1st field is the username. The file
$ cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd

5. Select Multiple Fields from a File

You can also extract more than one fields from a file or stdout. Below example displays username and home directory of users who has the login shell as “/bin/bash”.
$ grep "/bin/bash" /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f1,6
To display the range of fields specify start field and end field as shown below. In this example, we are selecting field 1 through 4, 6 and 7
$ grep "/bin/bash" /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f1-4,6,7

6. Select Fields Only When a Line Contains the Delimiter

In our /etc/passwd example, if you pass a different delimiter other than : (colon), cut will just display the whole line.
In the following example, we’ve specified the delimiter as | (pipe), and cut command simply displays the whole line, even when it doesn’t find any line that has | (pipe) as delimiter.
$ grep "/bin/bash" /etc/passwd | cut -d'|'  -f1
But, it is possible to filter and display only the lines that contains the specified delimiter using -s option.
The following example doesn’t display any output, as the cut command didn’t find any lines that has | (pipe) as delimiter in the /etc/passwd file.
$ grep "/bin/bash" /etc/passwd | cut -d'|' -s -f1

7. Select All Fields Except the Specified Fields

In order to complement the selection field list use option –complement.
The following example displays all the fields from /etc/passwd file except field 7
$ grep "/bin/bash" /etc/passwd | cut -d':' --complement -s -f7

8. Change Output Delimiter for Display

By default the output delimiter is same as input delimiter that we specify in the cut -d option.
To change the output delimiter use the option –output-delimiter as shown below. In this example, the input delimiter is : (colon), but the output delimiter is # (hash).
$ grep "/bin/bash" /etc/passwd | cut -d':'  -s -f1,6,7 --output-delimiter='#'

9. Change Output Delimiter to Newline

In this example, each and every field of the cut command output is displayed in a separate line. We still used –output-delimiter, but the value is $’\n’ which indicates that we should add a newline as the output delimiter.
$ grep bala /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f1,6,7 --output-delimiter=$'\n'

Install the mailx command

On Ubuntu/Debian based systems the mailx command is available from 2 different packages -
1. heirloom-mailx
2. bsd-mailx
We shall be using the heirloom-mailx package because it has more features and options.
On CentOS/Fedora based systems, there is only one package named "mailx" which is the heirloom package.
To find out what mailx package is installed on your system, check the "man mailx" output and scroll down to the end and you should see some useful information.
# ubuntu/debian
$ sudo apt-get install heirloom-mailx
# fedora/centos
$ sudo yum install mailx

Using the mailx command

Once installed, the mailx command can be directly referenced with the name mail, so you just type in that in the command line.

1. Simple mail

Run the following command, and then mailx would wait for you to enter the message of the email. You can hit enter for new lines. When done typing the message, press Ctrl+D and mailx would display EOT.
After than mailx automatically delivers the email to the destination.
$ mail -s "This is the subject" someone@example.com
Hi someone
How are you
I am fine

2. Take message from a file

The message body of the email can be taken from a file as well.
$ mail -s "This is Subject" someone@example.com < /path/to/file
The message can also be piped using the echo command -
$ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" someone@example.com

3. Multiple recipients

To send the mail to multiple recipients, specify all the emails separated by a comma
$ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" someone@example.com,someone2@example.com

4. CC and BCC

The "-c" and "-b" options can be used to add CC and BCC addresses respectively.
$ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" -c ccuser@example.com someone@example.com

5. Specify From name and address

To specify a "FROM" name and address, use the "-r" option. The name should be followed by the address wrapped in "<>".
$ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" -r "Harry<harry@gmail.com>" someone@example.com

6. Specify "Reply-To" address

The reply to address is set with the internal option variable "replyto" using the "-S" option.
# replyto email
$ echo "This is message" | mail -s "Testing replyto" -S replyto="mark@gmail.com" someone@example.com
# replyto email with a name
$ echo "This is message" | mail -s "Testing replyto" -S replyto="Mark<mark@gmail.com>" someone@example.com

7. Attachments

Attachments can be added with the "-a" option.
$ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" -r "Harry<harry@gmail.com>" -a /path/to/file someone@example.com

[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ finger -p ch
Login name: ankloe                      In real life: Sysadmin CH
Directory: /home_ldap/ankloe            Shell: /bin/bash
Never logged in.
No unread mail

Login name: bjholt                      In real life: Sysadmin CH
Directory: /home_ldap/bjholt            Shell: /bin/bash
Never logged in.
No unread mail

Login name: roleem                      In real life: SysAdmin CH
Directory: /home/roleem                 Shell: /bin/bash
Never logged in.
No unread mail
[/u03/appl/farbat1/suresh]$ finger -p suresh
Login name: skunku                      In real life: Suresh Kunku
Directory: /home_ldap/skunku            Shell: /bin/bash
On since Sep 28 12:00:30 on pts/2 from nlamsp6xen152.upcit.ds.upc.biz
No unread mail

